Interfraternity Council (IFC)
- Provide a sovereign governance structure for its Member Fraternities;
- Promote the interests of its Member Fraternities;
- Promote the interests of men’s fraternities in general;
- Discuss questions of mutual interest and present to its Member Fraternities such recommendations as the IFC deems appropriate;
- Promote the interests of the University of North Alabama;
- Promote mutual cooperation between its Member Fraternities;
- Promote mutual cooperation between the IFC, fellow governing councils, and student organizations at the University of North Alabama; and
- Promote mutual cooperation between the IFC and the University of North Alabama, its students, faculty, staff, and local community.
Alcohol Free Recruitment and New Member Activities
Fraternities will observe a dry recruitment practice, as well as new member activities. No buying for or supplying alcohol to interested students is allowed. Active brothers will not use personal or chapter funds for this purpose. Any event with the purpose and intention of recruiting potential new members is classified as a recruitment event, which must remain alcohol free. Chapters not following this policy will be called to a judicial hearing with IFC, and may additionally be brought through the UNA Student Conduct process.
Contact Us
Governing Documents
FSL Guidebook 2022
Executive Council
Colby Reynolds, President
Brock Kilgoar, VP for Internal Operations
Andrew Hazard, VP for Programming
Chandler Causey, VP for Member Development
Martin Vicencio, VP for Community Relations
Blake Walker, VP for Recruitment